Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Membuat paspor baru di ULP Margorejo Surabaya


Apa kabarnya? semoga nggak bosen ya baca postingan saya #emangadayangbaca #gakpapadeh #menyenangkandirisendiri #eh :p

Di postingan kali ini saya mau sharing pengalaman membuat paspor baru di ULP (Unit Layanan Paspor) Margorejo yang terletak di Maspion Square atau yang biasa saya dan temen-temen sebut "Giant Margorejo".
Yeaaay akhirnya saya punya paspor. Setelah lama maju mundur karena emang belum ngerti cara bikinnya gimana, takut ribet lah, bingung berkas apa aja yang dibawa lah, dan terutama males ijin dari kantor karena denger-denger buat ngurus paspor itu seenggaknya kita butuh 2x ijin karena bisa menghabiskan waktu seharian. Duuuhhh maaak rempong bener..

Oke, saya cerita dari awal yaa..
Berawal dari kepengenan buat segera punya paspor (nggak tau juga siih ini mau kemana, yang penting punya dulu deh hehe), saya mulai cari info banyak-banyak, dari yang tanya temen sampe gugling.
Based on info dari temen, saya dapet gambaran ni kalau bikin paspor itu pertama kita harus ngisi formulir secara online plus nentuin tanggal berapa kita bisa wawancara, foto, dan sidik jari, terus bayar di bank BNI. Baru setelah itu wawancara, foto, dan sidik jari sesuai jadwal, dan terakhir tunggu beberapa hari paspor jadi deh.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Random thing


It's 03.30 pm in here. Having a hectic day in office with a report after did an inspection to a construction company in Gresik. I'm sleepy by the way, but can't sleep yet. Thinking about many things. Do you know that lately  i lose some of my focuses? Maybe that's why my work hasn't done yet. And it's come every day haunting me to be finished. Hufft..

Work as a servant make me accept bad presumption from the environment. In my country, it's not a secret that some servant start their job from illegal way. They use their power, money, or colleague so that they can become a servant. That kind of practices have been happened since long years ago. Fortunately, nowadays where we are face the global area, Indonesia forced to be a better country, especially by the government it self. 

Indonesian people can pick their choice to become a president. It's good when i look from the time to time how we choose our president. For example, I remembered when i was in elementary school. All civil servant must picked, mm let me call him Mr. x to become a president. If they're not chosen him, then they might willing to lost their job as a servant. That's a colonial, bad, and humiliate time. But that's our history and Indonesian people should learn from their history.