Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gift from God and you :)

About few weeks ago, I twit on my twitter account like this : May I luv tis oct. 
and now its like going real :)
Alhamdulillah.. berharap semuanya berkaah

Last friday, my boyfie came to my house. He had an interview with one of the biggest papper company in Indo.
Unfortunately, in that time, I was travelling to Bromo with my closed family and their friends from Holland until Friday nite (I'll post it maybe on my next post)
So, I could meet him on Saturday morning because I arrived about 1.30 AM

and he brought some presents for me, yeaaaaay \('o')/

my favorite chocolate from Jogja :)
my birthday present, si onyet item

Hooaaa, i really luv this onyet, its looks like my boyfie *ketawajahat :D :D :D
beside that, he also brought some my favorite cookies which made by his mom, nyuummmmy..

aaand, i gave something for him, because he could pass the interview and he moved to my hometown starts from Oct 15th 2011..

I knew its not suitable for worker man, but i just wanna give him something, maybe he can use it when he comes to my house every weekend maybeeee *ngarep :P
Alhamdulillaaah, thanks my greatest lord Allah SWT
Semoga dilancarkan semuanya dan jd berkah..

btw, have u ordered outwear from dressUP..?
if u havent ordered yet, cmon see our collection and order
Get 10% discount ladies..
*tetepngiklan, heheheeheeu

ciao \('o')/