Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jualan Kerupuk Kuku Macan :)

Assalamualaikum all \(^o^)/

detik-detik menuju pergantian bulan dari Oktober ke November
alhamdulillaaah, bersyukur atas apa yang telah didapat di bulan ini
semoga menjadi berkah, begitu pula bulan-bulan selanjutnya..


Oh iya, kali ini aku mau buka lapak lagi *eeeaaaa
Jangan bosen2 yang teman2 blogger, heheee
berhubung sekarang udah masuk era internet, jadi masarin produk paling murah dan cepat ya lewat internet..
dan berhubung aku punya blog, jadinya aku pasarin di blog :P
oke, cukup intermezzo dari saya :)

to the point aja yaaaa..
ada yang pernah jalan-jalan ke Mojokerto atau berniat mau ke Surabaya?
silahkan mampir dulu ke Mojokerto
di kota ini, tepatnya di daerahku, ada kuliner krupuk yg khas dan ngga bakal ditemuin di kota lain
aku biasa sebut Kerupuk Kuku Macan :)
Soalnya bentuknya melengkung mirip kuku macan 

sekilas memang agak mirip amplang di Kalimantan
Pas aku ke jogja, aku bawain kerupuk ini buat pacar sama calon mertua :P
mereka bilang ini namanya amplang (FYI pacar ma orangtua lama tinggal di Balikpapan)
tapi pas dicoba ternyata beda sama yang di Kalimantan atau kota lain
Katanya sih yang ini lebih enak, gurih, dan berasa banget tengirinya

Nah kalo dulu mesti ke Mojokerto dulu buat beli oleh2 ini
sekarang udah ngga perlu bingung, tinggal pesen via sms, kerupuk siap diantar
Oh iya, kerupuk ini adalah industri rumahan salah satu tetanggaku

Habis beli kuku macannya, langsung dimakan bareng lontong pecel, nyaaammmmm.. :)

Yang mau pesen bisa langsung sms/telp ke 03177825530 a.n Subkhan
alamat : Dsn. Mojojejer Gg 4, Pesanggrahan, Kutorejo, Mojokerto
Resellers are welcome too ^^

tengkyuu all..

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Travelling to Bromo \('o')/

actually.. my house is not too far from Bromo, maybe just about 4 hours
but i havent went there yet, xoxoo
and in the last week on September, my closed family asked me to go to Bromo
There are 2 dutch (girl and boy) visited their house.
the girl is a daughter from my closed family's best friend in Holland
She came to Indonesia with her boyfriend as a backpackers

They went to Sumatra island first, and then Jakarta, Jogja, Solo, Surabaya, Malang, and last in Bali.
Because my family cannt speak in english, so they ask me as a translattor
*tuiing-tuuuiiing, jd malu ketauan bhs inggrisnya cm seadanya :'( :'(

But alhamdulillah.. Fiona and Jeroen are nice dutch
their so lovely and understand about my condition who cannt speak english well >.<

living room
dining room
bed room
its our homestay, we rent it IDR 200.000 for a nite, include hot water in bathroom, the living room, dining room, and some coffee and tea with cute glasses :)

just ignore this pict, i just wondering those 'bawang prei' kl dimasak bareng mie kuah, bisa jadi berapa mangkok yaaaa...?

Oooh myyy.. Im look bigger in that pict, but i love the scenary behind me.. sooooooo fresh, rite..?

Seperti di Gurun tapi hawanya dingin bgt :)

Unfortunately, i havent the picture of Fiona and Jeroen, coz they're too excited to go to the top of Bromo :')
Maybe i'll post after Jeroen send it to my email

sorry for blurry image quality coz i didn't bring my camdig and my handphone's battery was lowbatt
*very poor me T.T

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gift from God and you :)

About few weeks ago, I twit on my twitter account like this : May I luv tis oct. 
and now its like going real :)
Alhamdulillah.. berharap semuanya berkaah

Last friday, my boyfie came to my house. He had an interview with one of the biggest papper company in Indo.
Unfortunately, in that time, I was travelling to Bromo with my closed family and their friends from Holland until Friday nite (I'll post it maybe on my next post)
So, I could meet him on Saturday morning because I arrived about 1.30 AM

and he brought some presents for me, yeaaaaay \('o')/

my favorite chocolate from Jogja :)
my birthday present, si onyet item

Hooaaa, i really luv this onyet, its looks like my boyfie *ketawajahat :D :D :D
beside that, he also brought some my favorite cookies which made by his mom, nyuummmmy..

aaand, i gave something for him, because he could pass the interview and he moved to my hometown starts from Oct 15th 2011..

I knew its not suitable for worker man, but i just wanna give him something, maybe he can use it when he comes to my house every weekend maybeeee *ngarep :P
Alhamdulillaaah, thanks my greatest lord Allah SWT
Semoga dilancarkan semuanya dan jd berkah..

btw, have u ordered outwear from dressUP..?
if u havent ordered yet, cmon see our collection and order
Get 10% discount ladies..
*tetepngiklan, heheheeheeu

ciao \('o')/


Alhamdulillaaah dressUP akhirnya udah bs dipublish :)
deg2an soalnya masih belum ada pengalaman jualan sama sekali
takut kalo gag ada yg beli atau udah beli komplain dan sebagainya
tapi ya dicoba aja, yang penting udah usaha semaksimal mungkin :)
Bismillah pokoknya... :')

here's some picts from my dressUP

Baby pink batwing bolero
Dark blue batwing bolero
Baby pink one layer cardi

All product discount 10% lhooo.. :)

bagi yang berminat,, bs like page nya dressUP di facebook atau facebook dressUP sendiri, karena kmren ada sedikit masalah gara2 langsung add friendnya kebanyakan. Jadinya belum bs add friend sampe jumat besok, huks :'(

atau kalo mau fast respond, just text me 085231620001 -sari

Hepi shopping ladiies :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

coming soon...


Counting down to my 1st olshop
Honestly, my heart beat so fast..

Thanks for my boyfie who have make the picture for my simple labels :* :*
