Friday, July 22, 2011

"Paint" in Luv

I always smile when I see these pics. Yes, its our pics, I mean my boyfie & I 
(ɔ ˘˘)˘˘c)
I made both pics before we had relationship. Not cute enough I think, but he likes his face pic and use it as his facebook pofile hohohoo.
I used “Paint” program, because I cant use corel or other similar programs. Hufth, give up lha pokoknya, heheeee :p
Anyway, happy birthday sayaank.. although we cant celebrate it together with U’r family like a years ago, but I always pray the best for you.. and absolutely for we both..

Je t'aime pour toujours ♥♥

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sketching again

I had few hours to repaire my blog. It’s so difficult and make headache (T.T)

I wanna have cute blog like others but it’s not as easy as I think.. huuuft.. Sorry for uncomfortable while U visited my blog a few hours ago. And this is it, after long dizzy hours (-_-‘)

But I promise to my self, that I will always learn more to make my blog cutier than right now.. :’)

Okey, now I wanna show u 2 kebaya sketches without hijab. I learn a lot how to sketch kebaya lately, and enjoy it ^^ 

Which one do u like? don’t forget to leave Ur lovely comment dear :-*

Thursday, July 7, 2011

#Beach Edition

Where are U goin’ in a long holiday..? I chose B.E.A.C.H ^^

In a long weekend holiday a few weeks ago, my family and I went to Situbondo to visit my brother. He works in Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan and placed in Situbondo. He couldn’t go home in that holiday, so my father decided we’re going there.. Yeeaaaaaaay.. (^^)

We spent a half day in Pasir Putih Situbondo.. Here’s some pictures of our holiday.. Enjoy ^^

My brother ‘n my Mother

You can buy some souvenirs in here.. Enjoy shopping.. don’t forget to bargain^^

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Second Award :)

Ngga kerasa udah bulan Juli aja. Weeeew, cepet banget yaa.. dan blogku rasanya makin sepi aja. Udah lama banget ngga posting.

Kali ini aku mau posting tentang award yang dikasih sm Mbak Amel. Sebenernya udah lama banget dikasihnya tapi belom sempet keposting, huhuuuuuuw.. Maaf ya mbak. Anyway, thank youuuuu.. Cuuuuuupzzzz :-* 
It's my second award.. Semoga dengan diberikannya award ini aku jadi makin semangat nge-blog.. hehehhhee...

Karena udah nerima award ini, aku wajib ngasih award ini ke 15 temen2 blogger yang lain dan yang dapet antara lain :
1. Tyas 
2. Lina
3. Diary's Putt 
4. Mega
5. Vidya 
6. Intan Lestari
7. Ditie
8. Aida
9. Ayi  
10. Nee-Ya
11. Ardiatami 
12. Ningnung
13. First Gamut 
14. dzt
15. Bunavita 

Semoga berkenan dengan awardnya and enjoy blogging everybody n_n